Friday, November 16, 2012

Flat Out Like a Lizard Drinking...

Flat out like a lizard drinking...aka Australian slang for I've been very busy... It has been awhile since I  wrote on here, but it is because I have been so busy with work and exhausted afterward. That's good right? Today was my first payday too, so I can't really complain too much!

This week has been hectic! I started working on Monday, like I mentioned in my last blog post...but to update you, work is good, busy! I've made trio-layered mousse cakes (dark, milk, and white chocolate mousse cakes), mixed berry individual mousse cakes, apple pies and tarts, helped make Toblerone mousse cakes, organized and packaged a ton of cakes, and lots more. Yesterday however I had the pleasure of assisting one the bosses to Thomas Dux, which is a smaller upscale grocery store with specializes in organic, gluten-free, local, and products that are specialized for the guest. Check it out My boss and I advertised our different products that were sold at the store and I got a little taste too! White chocolate raspberry cheesecake, gluten-free lemon cake, chocolate and marshmallow cake, and a strawberry cheesecake, I have to say our wholesale bakery does a great job, very yummy. We were there for awhile, because it was a special occasion for Thomas Dux, VIP night of a fashion show, as well as a singing performance from Jessica Mauboy (in the Australian film "Sapphires"). Today however was a long day, especially towards the end. Early in the week my other boss, Jonathan asked me to do a specialty cake for a friend of his in a shape of a cactus. So during the week I researched and figured out what I wanted to do. But today he tells me an hour should me enough time, right? I said sure, even if I rushed it should be good. So around 3:50 pm rolls around and the customer is here to pick up the cake... uhh ohhh... My boss said I still had an hour or so to do the cake, that he would keep him occupied. Angry that I wasn't able to work on it earlier in the day to have the cake waiting and ready for the cake, I quickly started cutting a stencil and then cutting the cake into layers. Quickly filling it with white chocolate ganache and then decorating it with a mint chocolate chip mousse on the outside. News flash: they don't use fondant here!! I asked the cab driver when I first arrived and he said that traditional wedding cakes are a fruit cake with marzipan on the outside. The cab driver also said that fondant was becoming more popular, but not there yet. So I quickly rushed to get the cake done in a little over an hour, while the customer is basically watching my every move (no pressure). However when it was done, the customer seemed very happy about the cake. After I cleaned up my station, of course my boss asked if I could quickly ganache a chocolate cake slab for an order for the morning. After a long day, it was nice to sit back with a meal I cooked and enjoy a glass of Australian wine...

I'm off for the next two days, so hopefully tomorrow I can blog about all the differences here!! Sorry Mates!

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