Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hamptons Happenings...Or not?

Basically what my windshield looks like...
Well its definitely getting warmer in the Hamptons. First sign is that my windshield is filled with bugs, this is a recent development after the month and a half I have worked out there. With warmer weather comes more people heading out East for the weekend, which means the Hampton traffic has commenced and the sidewalks are filled with people and dogs. Luckily I grabbed some coffee today before I hit the traffic, so the extra 20 minutes of traffic could be enjoyed with my windows down, beautiful weather, and coffee. You also see the Hampton Jitney a lot more often! Next sign of it getting warmer, the farm stands are starting to re-open and get ready for their busy season. No worries, I will probably be at the farm stands all summer, I'll let you know of my findings!

In a few weeks I am fortunate that I have the opportunity to visit the Lindt facility in New Hampshire. I am extremely excited to learn about the Lindt production and to complete the circle of winning the competition. I can't fully complete my circle, just missing one link. Which I have a feeling I will never get to have and that was proven tonight. The talented Michael Symon (one of the judges of the Lindt competition) came into the restaurant I work at and unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to meet him. I guess he was too full from our tasty food and had to get going. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (or lemon glaze for doughnuts or lemon meringue pie, whatever your heart desires); I hope he had an amazing meal with us and maybe one day I will get to meet him, it would be an honor. 

I want to give a BIG thank you to everyone who reads my blog! After my last post, I have hit over 3,000 page-views. I know it may not seem like a lot, but I'm proud of it! So thanks again and keep reading!